Radio Frequency Engineering, Propagation Analysis PC Software
Our software can be used anywhere in the world!
V-Soft will be in Booth # W2716 in the West Hall at the NAB show in Las Vegas this year.
What’s NEW?
V-Soft has released the latest 2023 U.S. Census Estimate Population data for use with Probe 4/5 and AM-Pro 2. Contact us to order.
V-Soft adds the newly proposed 10 kW A10, Sec 73.207, separation tables to FMCommander. The program now also includes the class A10 short spacing tables. To comport with the FCC standard titling for FM classes, the class abbreviation used by the program is called “A2”.
V-Soft Releases 2022 TIGER Mapping Data Update – This update includes high resolution major roads, street level roads, lakes, rivers, and railroads for the U.S. based on the Census Bureau’s 2022 TIGER dataset. See the brochure for this dataset. Contact us for more information.
2020 TIGER/Census Boundary Geography Data – This update includes city, county, state, urban area, and other census geography data for Probe, FMCommander, AM-Pro, and Microwave Pro. See this whitepaper for information about what is included and how to use it.
Must See Software:
Probe 5™ – Professional level RF propagation modeling for DTV/TV, LPTV, FM broadcast coverage and interference analysis. Probe 5 is now a 64 bit program that can use all your computer’s memory instead of just 2 GB. Probe 5 produces spectacular “atlas” type maps – now with the option to also have authentic U.S. topographic map backgrounds. The program integrates a high-resolution population database with V-Soft’s state-of the-art polygon mapping. For predicting coverage and interference, the program features Longley-Rice, Okamura-Hata, Cost-Hata, PTP #1 & #2, Line of sight, ITU, standard FCC and the new NSMA OHLOSS method. Probe 5 is bundled with with the current FCC broadcast station FM and DTV databases and it includes V-Soft’s advanced polygon mapping, land cover and census databases. More.
FMCommander™ – Find new ways to upgrade your station or to move its transmitter site under short space. It combines FCC FM style contour color mapping and it details service and interference contours for NCE, commercial and LPFM analysis. Integrates FCC, census, terrain, tower, airport, AM stations, railroads, rivers, major highways, city boundaries, county boundaries and lakes and oceans into one complete FM channel search package. More.
AM-Pro 2™ – Calculates and plots standard and grid-based AM coverage and interference areas, based on the FCC AM rules. AM-Pro also performs M3 ground-wave and automated sky-wave RSS allocation studies and it creates detailed allocation maps with polygon shaping. AM-Pro is is used daily by the FCC. The program includes an implementation of the FCC’s AM rejuvenation rules. More.
Microwave-Pro 2 is now using the industry standard NSMA methodology. This software program is our top-of-the-line microwave frequency allocations and path analysis program for the broadcast auxiliary services, Part 101, COALS and CARS projects. It produces the required “prior notification” (PCN) mailing lists to complete your studies. The new version adds bi-directional channel analysis and contains a new point search tool to identify microwave paths in the vicinity of wind farms or other large blocking structures. More.
Broadcast Technical Consulting
Our sister company, Doug Vernier Telecommunications Consultants (DVT) provides full-service broadcast technical consulting including preparation of applications to the FCC for AM, FM, DTV, FM and TV translators, STLs and other broadcast auxiliaries. DVT also prepares custom Longley-Rice and FCC coverage maps, interference analysis studies, population and demographic studies and frequency searches. Call 319 266-8402 for more information and a quote.
ZipSignal Users:
Our free, upgraded, on-line, Zip Code/Call Sign Database now contains Canadian and Mexican stations heard in the U.S. This database retrieval program is cross-referenced with the AM and FM Station Signal Strengths for the entire US. Fresh data as of December 30, 2024. The on-line program is free for public use and can be found on this web site at this link.
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AM-Pro, FMCommander, Microwave-Pro, and Probe 5 are trademarks of V-Soft Communications®, L.L.C.