V-Soft Communications Propagation & FCC Allocation Software Broadcast/RF

Professional Broadcast Engineering Software

V-Soft Communications Propagation & FCC Allocation Software Broadcast/RF



We have 30 meter resolution terrain data for the U.S., Canada, and Mexico and 3 arc-second terrain data files for this program for use anywhere in the world!

PLOTPATHPLOTPA2Plotpath’s Terrain and Datum Setup

Click to see Plotpath’s main graph in Acrobat PDF format

Click to see Plotpath’s main graph in Acrobat PDF format

PLOTPATH, version 2.1, will model radio paths and systems, helping you to determine appropriate designs. Using free-space and path-obstacle attenuation formulas, this program calculates the path loss and fade margin of a given radio path at a given frequency while using graphics to instantly plot the path over a distance vs. terrain elevation graph. You can work in NAD 27, NAD 83 or WGS 84.

PLOTPATH uses earth budge terrain plotting techniques to show the effect of earth curvature. The program assists you by plotting required Fresnel zone clearance at any desired earth curvature. You may select frequencies from 22 MHz to 35 GHz, the standard 0.6 Fresnel zone or other percentages. With the click of your mouse you can adjust the elevations of the transmitting or receiving antenna to determine the best heights for a clear path and the new graph is drawn instantly to your screen. The program has automatic scaling so that each graph will be centered appropriately on your screen or print-outs.

PLOTPATH will print out a color or black and white 8 1/2 X 11″ full-page landscape mode graph of the terrain profile.  PLOTPATH will also print out a complete tabulation of system losses and gains, concluding with the available signal and and fade margin as well as the recommended fade margin. The program considers path length and free space loss, loss through connectors and transmission lines as well as gains from antennas, pre-amps and other factors. PLOTPATH will register any intrusion into the Fresnel zone clearance area by terrain by displaying an increased path loss value. The obstruction loss will then be calculated and added into the total path loss figures. Printed at the bottom of each system analysis page is a scaled version of the path profile.

PLOTPATH features an interactive terrain elevation profile graph which allows the user to change the antenna heights on either end of the path simply by clicking the graph with the mouse. Known obstacles, such as buildings can be added to the graph at points along the path by a simple click. Any individual elevation data point can be edited using the “Edit Data Point” tool and the graph profile will reflect user changes. Terrain heights and path coordinates can be read off the graph at any point between the transmitter and receiver by using the tool-tip cursor. PLOTPATH features an elastic frame that can be sized to any screen resolution. As you change the window size the PLOTPATH graph within the window automatically rescales.

This program is ideal for modeling communications microwave links. Its applications can be extended further to plot paths of FM, TV, MMDS, and Cellular signals over terrain radials. PLOTPATH makes it easy and enjoyable to develop fade-free radio systems for communications work.

This program requires use of our 30,  3 arc-second or 30 meter terrain elevation database… which also work with all other V-Soft Communications® programs. For ultimate accuracy, we recommend our new 30 meter National Elevation Database (NED) for use with this program. SRTM (Shuttle Terrain) 3 arc-second data is available for the entire world.

For a price quote or more information on any of V-Soft Communications' software products please contact us by email or call (319) 266-8402 or (800) 743-3684.

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