V-Soft Communications Propagation & FCC Allocation Software Broadcast/RF

Professional Broadcast Engineering Software

V-Soft Communications Propagation & FCC Allocation Software Broadcast/RF

General RF Software

General RF Software

Probe – Professional level RF propagation modeling and interference analysis. Produces spectacular “atlas” type maps and detailed population reports.

PlotPath – This program calculates the path loss, available signal and fade margin of a given radio system at the user’s frequency and instantly plots the path using Earth curvature over a distance versus terrain elevation graph.

Pattern Workshop – Create professional looking directional antenna azimuth graphs and tables for FCC submissions. This program contains an antenna combiner that allows combining the patterns of antennae oriented at various azimuths and polarity.

Terrain-3D – Uses OpenGL 3D graphics technology to model radio signals from 20 to 20,000 MHz over a true-to-life 3-D terrain graphic. Longley-Rice, FCC Shadow and PTP. Add population density and tower overlays. Model STL routes in 3D. Rotate your view in 3-D with your mouse.

Intermod – Performs detailed inter-modulation analysis both at a specific site and globally across your station’s coverage area.

For a price quote or more information on any of V-Soft Communications' software products please contact us by email or call (319) 266-8402 or (800) 743-3684.

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V-Soft Communications, 128 S. Chestnut St., Ste. B, Olathe, KS 66061
Telephone: (319) 266-8402, (800) 743-3684 - Fax: (319) 432-7275
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