This page set up uses various colored type fonts to separate the columns and give life to the screen. The red colored value -6.8 indicates that prohibited contour overlap is going into WUPE-FM, the reference station. The magenta colored call letters indicate those stations that do not meet the “first-cut” minimum-separations to use Section 73.215 short spacing rules. A left mouse-click on the call letter from the list takes pops up the station’s listing on the “Find Information Screen” where you can read or change its operating parameters or instantly draw its coverage map. The up-arrow, shown on the WKMY and WEZN-FM call signs, means the technical facilities of the station have been maximized to full power and antenna height, as is required when using section 73.215 short-space. The green double arrows “<<” indicate the FCC’s minimum-separation distances have been met. The underline of WBTZ means that, under the rules, its class can be downgraded to a C0 class since the antenna height and power considers the formerly granted class C to now be the new class C0. The line through the translators, that were optionally included in this study, shows up to indicate the call sign does not have to be protected.
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